Roll Cage Trolleys
Keep track of your Roll Cage Trolleys!
Roll cage trolleys are extremely useful in a wide variety of commercial environments, such as warehousing, manufacturing, airport and retail sectors but can often be difficult to locate and expensive to replace, so why not tag and track them?
By using smart IoT technology, each cage can be tagged and as many receivers as you require can be placed around and within your building and as the cage rolls past a receiver it sends a message giving its location! Goods in or out, floor levels, specific entrances or exits can all have receiver placements and can be fitted to mobile plant such as forklifts and even at other store locations so you will never lose track of a cage again!
- Greater supply chain visibility
- Ensure enough cages are available in the right place, at the right time
- Reduction in lost or stolen cages
- Improves efficiency, accuracy and reliability of supply chain
- Enables better asset and audit control